a) Yoga for Life - The Complete Package
Come practice astanga yoga asanas and learn tips on how to incorporate them in your daily life. No experience necessary. Please dress comfortably and bring along a yoga mat!
We serve vegetarian refreshments after the class.
Wednesday, March 25th, 6:30-8:30pm
Main Activity Hall, Mulfaith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue
b) Higher Taste - Vegetarian Cooking Classes
Learn easy and exotic recipes in a fun way! Learn about the philosophy and art of cooking fresh, healthy and delicious meals and the Yoga of Food! This is the last cooking class of the term, and guess what! our chef-in training Shashank is returning next week to treat and teach us mouth watering indian delicacies
Thursday, March 26th, 6:30-8:30pm
Multifath Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue
Pre-Registration Required
For more information: bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com; 416.844.2937
Facebook Us @ http://www.facebook.com/gr