Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This Week @ Bhakti Yoga Club

This Week @ Bhakti Yoga Club


1. Yoga For Life
Wednesday Sep 30th, 6:30-8:30pm
Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue (map) (entrance from Bancroft Ave.)

2. Vegetarian Cooking Classes - The Higher Taste
Thursday, Oct 1st, 6:30-8:30pm
Multi-faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue (map) (entrance from Bancroft Ave.)
Pre-Registration Required
Please contact us bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com or 416.844.2937 for any question/comments!

Bhakti Yoga Club - The Real Yoga!
bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com; 416.844.2937

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This Week At BYC

As most of you might be aware, today tuesday, Sep 22nd is Bike to Campus Festival - Car Free Day, happening as part of U of T's Environment Week Earthcycle.

Bhakti Yoga Club is offering a special FREE Yoga for Life session from 12-1pm, tomorrow at the Hart House Circle. Please bring your own Yoga Mats!

Also, our regular Yoga for Life session will continue as scheduled on Wednesday evening (Sep 23) from 6:30-8:30pm at the MultiFaith Centre.

Please note that there is no meeting this thursday.

Thank you and See you Soon!

Cooking Class Recipes - Sep 17th 2009

Thanks to Kate, we now have recipes from last week's cooking classes!

Menu: - Channa Masala (Curried ChickPeas), Pakora (Vegetable Fritters), Jeera-Rice (Rice Pilaf), Dhania Chutney (Coriander Dip), Halwa (Semolina-based Dessert)

Please note that the consciousness with which cook prepares the food affects the taste and also the consciousness of those who partake in the food. So in the tradition of Bhakti Yoga we prepare the food in the mood of love and devotion. There is no tasting while we cook and at the end we offer the food to Krsna (The Vedic Name for God, which also means the one who is all-attractive)

1. Channa Masala (Curried Chick Peas)

Boiled Chickpeas (either ready to use canned or dry chickpeas, soaked over night and boiled)
Fresh cilantro
Powdered Coriander
Powedered Cumin
Garam Masala

Pour some oil in a pot, add asafoetida, powdered coriander and cumin. Soon after add the finely diced tomatoes, stir ocassionaly and allow the tomatoes to cook. After about 10 minutes add the boiled chickpeas. Add cold water just enough to cover the chickpeas. Add salt to taste and garam masala. Allow the chickpeas to cook for about 30 minutes. Stir occassionaly to prevent the chickpeas sticking to the bottom of the pan. The fresh cilantro will be added last, about ten minutes prior to serving.

Jeera Rice

Basmati Rice Water Spices:

Whole Cumin

Wash the rice three times, and soak for about 15 minutes. In a pot, add some oil, when the oil gets warm add whole cumin seeds and allow then to crackle. Then add the rice, stir the rice for about 2 minutes. Add cold water (1.5 times the amount of rice) and salt to taste. Turn the heat to maximum, when the water starts boiling, reduce the heat and cover the pot. Rice will be done when the grains begin to stand up.

Pakora (Vegetable Fritters)

Chickpea flour
Oil for Deep Frying
Assortment of vegetables (Zucchini, Potatoes, Broccoli, Tofu)
Powdered Coriander
Powedered Cumin
Garam Masala

To prepare batter add the spices to the chickpea flour, and add salt to taste. Add water to the mixture and create a smooth paste.
Chop veggies and tofu evenly into strips. In a large wok/frying pan, prepare oil on high heat for deep frying. Coat the veggies evenly with batter, using your hands. Place them in the oil, and allow them to become crispy. Remove carefully with tongs, and place on a plate covered with paper towel.

Halwa (Semolina Based Dessert)

2 cups semolina flour
2 cups Sugar
¾lb of unsalted butter
1/2 lb Strawberries
6 cups water

Combine semolina flour and half a block of butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir continually, adding more butter as needed till the semolina is roasted, but not burnt :). In a separate pot prepare sugar syrup with sugar and water. Once the syrup boils add it slowly to the roasted semolina accompanied by constant stirring. Also add freshly sliced strawberries. Stir continuously to avoid sticking/burning.

Chutney (Cilantro Dip)

Fresh Cilantro
Water enough to blend the cilantro
Sugar (a pinch)
Salt (to taste)
Chilli Powder
Coriander Powder

Combine ingredients in a blender.

Finally, arrange a nice plate for offering the preparations. Please note that this plate should not be used for regular eating, and kept aside only for offering. Place the plate in front of a picture of Krsna and offer by reciting the simple prayer:

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna
Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This Week @ Bhakti Yoga Club

Starting this week, our cooking classes return to the multifaith centre. Come-out and learn how to make easy and exotic dishes in a fun way. To help us prepare for the logistics please pre-register by emailing:- bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com

Other than that, our Yoga for Life Continues this week at the Multi Faith Centre

1. Yoga For Life
Wednesday Sep 16th, 6:30-8:30pm
Multifaith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue

2. Vegetarian Cooking Classes - The Higher Taste
Thursday, Sep 17th, 6:30-8:30pm
Multifaith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue Pre-Registration Require

Please contact us bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com or 416.844.2937 for any question/comments!

Inner EnvironMentality – Heart of environmental consciousness

Date & Time: Thursday, Nov 12 @ 6.30 PM
Where: Ryerson University, 55 Gould street, Student centre, SCC 115
Fee: Early bird - $5 until Sep 30, $7 after

We have created a civilization based on limited resources that are quickly disappearing. It’s not a question of whether our resources will run out, rather the question is when will they run out. In response to this crisis we have entered into a new era of “green” businesses, “green” products, “green” economies and “green” energy. Environmental protection is now on the agenda at UN conferences and the G8 forum alike. Even Hollywood is showing signs of environmental consciousness: last year Wall-e hit the top of the box office, bringing its forward-looking narrative of ‘earth scare’ to billions of viewers worldwide.

Join us this November for an interactive workshop with Devamrita Swami. In this workshop, Devamrita Swami will explain how our lifestyle is a reflection of our consciousness—a materialistic frame of mind leads to an exploitative mentality, and thus a tendency to consume more than necessary, which ultimately leads an unsustainable lifestyle and a disturbed environment. Even if the whole world goes green, if we are unable to transform this consciousness of overconsumption, we will be faced with the same global crises again and again. We must alter this exploitative mentality.

Devamrita Swami is a monk, author and Yale graduate. He is the founder of Institute of Sustainability in New Zealand, and travels around the world raising environmental awareness through his workshops. He is eager to show us how to avert global environmental crises using spiritual techniques.

Chant & Be Happy - A Mantra Meditation Workshop


Date & Time: Wednesday, Nov 11 @ 6.30 PM
Where: 569 Spadina Ave, Multifaith centre, University of Toronto
Fee: Early bird - $5 until Sep 30, $ 7 after

Everyone wants to be happy. Some of us seek happiness through family, career or social life. Others look for it in politics, arts, academia, natural healthy living or many other activities. All of these endeavors represent our endless quest for satisfaction and pleasure. However, the basic problem in our search for happiness is that all of these sources of pleasure are limited and temporary. Mantra meditation enables us to expand our pleasure beyond present limitations. Through the mystical power of transcendental sound, inner happiness can be experienced instantly and directly because it operates beyond the boundaries of time and space and emanates from the core of our being.

Mantra meditation is a process for reviving our original, pure consciousness through the medium of transcendental sound. In this workshop, Devamrita Swami, an Urban Monk who has practiced Mantra meditation for nearly 40 years, will explain to us how to use these sound vibrations to attain extraordinary states of happiness. Mantra meditation is a very simple process that can be easily adopted by anyone. This workshop will enable participants to experience the uplifting power of sublime sound through chanting and singing timeless Sanskrit mantras. Our voices will be accompanied by eastern instruments like the mrdnga drum, karatals (hand cymbals), and harmonium.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Open House & Making the Right Starts!

Sep 10th 6:30pm
MultiFaith Centre,
569 Spadina Avenue

Join us for our open house, find out what we're all about. If you are a returning student please come and share your experiences with others, get involved and discover what's new this year.

Also featuring a special discussion on Making the Right Starts! A new school year begins with new goals and aspirations, but as the year progresses, many of these reduce to mere distant dreams. Come join us for this special session, equip yourself to enhance your potential and make the most of the school year - The Yogi's Way! As they say, well begun is half done!

and remember - no BYC event is complete without FOOOOD...and there are no false promises made here :)...so see you soon!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yoga For Life

Starting this week, the yoga for life classes will resume wednesday evenings at the multifaith centre. Whether you are a beginner or have been practicing yoga for quite sometime, our yoga classes are well suited for all levels. Please let the instructor Deva know if you have any injuries and/or other concerns. The classes start promptly at 6:30pm and conclude with a short meditation session

Yoga For Life
Main Activity Hall - MultiFaith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue

Please note that the classes are free for our members. We request that non-members contribute $2 per class to help us keep our club running :)! Alternatively the annual membership fee for the club is $20 (includes unlimited access to yoga and cooking classes)

Oh and again...like with all BYC events, nothing concludes without food!

So if you have any questions...you know where to ask bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com ... or else we'll see you at the Yoga Class

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Clubs Day!

September 4th is Club's Day At the University of Toronto. With several student clubs and groups on campus participating in this once a year event, its expected to be HUGE!

Watch out for the Bhakti Yoga Club display, sign up for membership or just join our listserv and stay updated with whats happening!....Oh and did I mention free goodies... As always no Bhakti Yoga Club event is complete without delicious, homemade goodies so please stop by for some!

Club Membership

The events for the Bhakti Yoga Club (BYC) are open to everyone in the UofT Community. In order to help us support these events, we request that non-members contribute $2 per session at the yoga classes & cooking classes. Alternatively the annual membership fee for the club is only $20 (which includes access to all the club events and the vegetarian meals that follow).

To sign up for membership please email bhaktiyogaclub@gmail.com; or feel free to drop in at any of our events!

See you Soon