Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello Everyone.

Hope you all are having a great week!

This week BYC brings you:

Stressed to De-stressed: Beat exam blues the smarter way!

Wednesday, December 1st, 6:30pm

@ Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.

As final exams get closer, stress, fatigue and anxiety dominate the minds. Sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, the feelings of impending doom cloud your intelligence.

The ancient science of Yoga explains that dormant within each one of us is a unique power and ability - a potential that is often hidden away and under-utilized. Join in for an interactive discussion this week at BYC to explore the Yogic understanding of the mind and learn practical tools to enhance your potential, beat the stress and ace your exams.

A delicious vegan dinner will be served.

See you there!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Karma: The Mystery Unraveled

Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good week!

This week join us for:

Karma: The Mystery Unraveled
Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON

Is there any logic behind the obvious inequalities in life ? Someone is born with a silver spoon surrounded by riches while others could be born in war torn Africa with under 30 years of life expectancy. I work all day and get a lower grade on my paper that I spent days preparing while John Doe get a much higher grade even though he barely spent a few hours at it. As we look around, all we see is stark inequalities that are hard to ignore. I seem to be doing all the right things and getting the wrong results while others seem to be enjoying. Why do bad things happen to good people ? And if bad things happen to good people, how can there be a so called law of karma that suggests 'what goes around, comes around?'

Your life may be telling a different story. Join us for an intriguing discussion where we explore the laws of Karma and evaluate if life is fair or unfair ?

A delicious vegan dinner for all our guests is included.

See you there!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Discover Happiness:Body,Mind and Beyond!

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all are having a great week.

This week join us for -

Discover Happiness:Body,Mind and Beyond!
Wednesday, November 3rd, 6:30pm
Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue.

Most of our lives endeavors go towards satisfying the demands of the body like delicious food a comfortable home and a lot more. When we aren’t trying to satisfy the body we conjure up ways to please the mind. However time just disappears from in front of our eyes and we feel like we missed the happiness boat. Is it just about getting good grades and a successful job? This week BYC brings to you an itriguing discussion accompanied with a delicious vegan dinner and mantra medititation.
Yoga knowledge teaches us that happiness is beyond the demands of body and mind. As we are not the body or mind, so happiness is also not achieved from attempts to satisfy body or mind.

See you there!