Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello Everyone.

Hope you all are having a great week!

This week BYC brings you:

Stressed to De-stressed: Beat exam blues the smarter way!

Wednesday, December 1st, 6:30pm

@ Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.

As final exams get closer, stress, fatigue and anxiety dominate the minds. Sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, the feelings of impending doom cloud your intelligence.

The ancient science of Yoga explains that dormant within each one of us is a unique power and ability - a potential that is often hidden away and under-utilized. Join in for an interactive discussion this week at BYC to explore the Yogic understanding of the mind and learn practical tools to enhance your potential, beat the stress and ace your exams.

A delicious vegan dinner will be served.

See you there!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Karma: The Mystery Unraveled

Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good week!

This week join us for:

Karma: The Mystery Unraveled
Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON

Is there any logic behind the obvious inequalities in life ? Someone is born with a silver spoon surrounded by riches while others could be born in war torn Africa with under 30 years of life expectancy. I work all day and get a lower grade on my paper that I spent days preparing while John Doe get a much higher grade even though he barely spent a few hours at it. As we look around, all we see is stark inequalities that are hard to ignore. I seem to be doing all the right things and getting the wrong results while others seem to be enjoying. Why do bad things happen to good people ? And if bad things happen to good people, how can there be a so called law of karma that suggests 'what goes around, comes around?'

Your life may be telling a different story. Join us for an intriguing discussion where we explore the laws of Karma and evaluate if life is fair or unfair ?

A delicious vegan dinner for all our guests is included.

See you there!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Discover Happiness:Body,Mind and Beyond!

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all are having a great week.

This week join us for -

Discover Happiness:Body,Mind and Beyond!
Wednesday, November 3rd, 6:30pm
Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue.

Most of our lives endeavors go towards satisfying the demands of the body like delicious food a comfortable home and a lot more. When we aren’t trying to satisfy the body we conjure up ways to please the mind. However time just disappears from in front of our eyes and we feel like we missed the happiness boat. Is it just about getting good grades and a successful job? This week BYC brings to you an itriguing discussion accompanied with a delicious vegan dinner and mantra medititation.
Yoga knowledge teaches us that happiness is beyond the demands of body and mind. As we are not the body or mind, so happiness is also not achieved from attempts to satisfy body or mind.

See you there!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mantra Meditation: Experience the power of Chanting!

Hello everyone,

Hope you all are having a great week!

Music, meditation, chants, and a delicious dinner - sounds like a lot of smiling faces and a wonderful evening. Make your submissions and midterm filled week a little different and come along to BYC's latest event -

Mantra Meditation: Experience the power of Chanting!

Wednesday, October 27th, 6:30pm

Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre

569 Spadina Avenue.

Unwind this week humming soothing mantras and swaying to meditative tunes. This is the chance to make a difference by embracing change. A chance to tap into your inner strength and unleash the beauty hidden deep within your heart.

This will be an evening of musical chanting and internal meditation accompanied by ancient musical instruments from the east. Grab this unique opportunity to discuss the various aspects of ancient mantra meditation techniques. Embrace this coming week and the conflicts that it presents with a different mood – maybe a happier more exciting one, by which you can bring a change to the world around you.

Not to forget the delicious vegan dinner that awaits you towards the end!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello Everyone.

Hope you all had a fun long weekend!

This week BYC brings you:

Overcoming Depression: The Yogi's Way!
Wednesday, October 20th, 6:30pm

Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.

Traditionally Youth rhymes with energy, drive, enthusiasm, adventure and lots more. Most people look back at college and university as the best days of the life, a time when we have friends, parties and a no-worries lifestyle. But times have changed - Its not cancer or road accidents, its depression that is killing the youth of today. How did the golden years of our life transform into a dark phase some never come out off.

Join us for an evening of discussion and sharing where we can take a real look at the unique challenges facing students today. Is the pressure of increasing tuition or faceless-ness of a face book generation that lies at the heart of the depression wave. Explore and experience how the knowledge of yoga and meditation can transform our youthful experiences.

Don't forget the delicious meal and dessert that awaits you along with the discussion.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yoga For Life!

Hello Everyone.

Hope you all had a fun long weekend!

This week BYC brings you:

Yoga for Life
Wednesday, October 13th, 6:30pm

Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.

Exams, assignments, classes or library corner – is that what your day is all about. Say no to the norm, revamp your life and let go the stress by joining us for a fun filled Yoga session at the Multifaith centre.

A seasoned yoga instructor of over 15 years experience will guide you through a series of postures designed to release stress from your system. Enjoy the calming effect of synchronized breathing to ancient chants with a progressive series of postures. The 90 minute workout is followed by brief meditation and a delicious snack.

Revamp your life and spirits at Yoga for life.

Join us for a relaxing yoga session followed by delicious vegan dinner on October 13, 6:30 pm.

See you there!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Goals: Dreams to Reality

Flashed by tirade of advertisements and allurements through media and society, our mind conjures up a different goal every day. Are Goals, a fixed post set in stone or a moving target far from our reach.There is a reason why we make the same 'new year resolution' every December and break it every Jan. Einstein did say, only dreamers succeed but he never said just dreaming was enough. Like it or not, a thin line separates goal setting from day dreaming.

What keeps a loser from being a success story ? What keeps you from being Mr or miss popularity ? Yoga knowledge demonstrates tricks on how to Tap your inner potential to help you cross the line from dreams to reality.

Join us for interactive discussion, meditation and dinner this Wednesday @ Activity hall Multi Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue - Make your dreams a reality !

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BYC Open House!

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a good summer and that the first few weeks of school are going well!

So to kick off another year full of exciting and fun activities we are having an Open House this Wednesday!

So, come down and join us @
The Multi-faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue!

Join us for our open house and find out what we're all about. If you are a returning student, please come and share your experiences with others, get involved and discover what's new this year.

and remember - no BYC event is complete Without FOOD...and there are no false promises made here :) see you soon!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What's Cooking!

Food is an integral part of Bhakti Yoga and definitely plays a major role at all BYC events!

This week BYC will be catering at two conferences on campus. So if you're hungry and you're come by:-

1. The 2010 University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind:
The Place of Emotions in the Cognitive Sciences

March 6–7, 2010 · University College, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2. University of Toronto Sustainable Energy Fair
March 12, 2010, Hart House, University of Toronto

Also if you'd like to volunteer by helping to prep or serve out - please get in touch!


Monday, February 8, 2010

This week @ BYC

The calendar for the events this week:-

1. Mon, Feb 8th, Kirtan Konnection: Experience the power of sound ; 6:30-8:30pm, 324 Bloor Street West (UrbanEdgeYoga)

2. Tue, Feb 9th Tuesday Transformation: A bit of everything. Join us for an evening of yoga asana practice, mantra meditation and spiritual discussion. 6:30-8:30pm, 324 Bloor Street West (UrbanEdgeYoga)

3. Wed, Feb 10th Yoga For Life: Your Fav yoga classes with Deva
6:30-8:30pm, MultiFaith Centre 569 Spadina Avenue

4. Thur, Feb 11th Vegan Cooking: Breads & Desserts
6:30-8:30pm, 324 Bloor Street West (UrbanEdgeYoga)

5. Fri, Feb 12th Asthanga yoga - feel the power;

5:00-6:30pm, 324 Bloor Street West (UrbanEdgeYoga)

6. Fri, Feb 13th - Sustainability Series - Is current ecology truly holistic
6:30-8:30pm, 324 Bloor Street West (UrbanEdgeYoga)

Bhakti Yoga Club - The Real Yoga!; 416.844.2937

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome back with New Beginnings @ BYC!

We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that school & Life in the New Year, starts off at a bright note for all! Our events resume this week, however please note that our Yoga Classes will start next week. Please also note the different location for the events!

1. Tue, Jan 5 – Meditation and yoga: Yoga and meditation is being used more and more in modern life because it is proven to aid stress relief, help relaxation, and generally make people more peaceful. 324 Bloor Street West, #1; 6:30-8:30pm

2. Wed, Jan 6 - Shanti, chants for world peace: Shanti is the Sanskrit for Peace. Join us as we seek world peace through the chanting of ancient mantras from the East.324 Bloor Street West, #1; 6:30-8:30pm

3. Thu, Jan 7- Vegan Curries, Cooking classes: Ever wondered why our food tastes so good? Well, our chefs will be sharing their top secret recipes in demonstration/hands-on cooking classes. 324 Bloor Street West, #1; 6:30-8:30pm

4. Fri, Jan 8 - Mysteries of earth and sky: Find out more about ancient mysteries like Stonehenge, ice age star maps, the Dogon, Mayans, Egyptians and more324 Bloor Street West, #1; 6:30-8:30pm

All events will feature vegan meals and mantra meditation!
For more details or to RSVP please contact us See you soon --

Bhakti Yoga Club - The Real Yoga!; 416.844.2937