Hello Everyone.
Hope you all had a fun long weekend!
This week BYC brings you:
Overcoming Depression: The Yogi's Way!
Wednesday, October 20th, 6:30pm
Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.
Traditionally Youth rhymes with energy, drive, enthusiasm, adventure and lots more. Most people look back at college and university as the best days of the life, a time when we have friends, parties and a no-worries lifestyle. But times have changed - Its not cancer or road accidents, its depression that is killing the youth of today. How did the golden years of our life transform into a dark phase some never come out off.
Join us for an evening of discussion and sharing where we can take a real look at the unique challenges facing students today. Is the pressure of increasing tuition or faceless-ness of a face book generation that lies at the heart of the depression wave. Explore and experience how the knowledge of yoga and meditation can transform our youthful experiences.
Don't forget the delicious meal and dessert that awaits you along with the discussion.
Is this open for non-UT students (i.e. non-students)? And is there a fee?