Monday, October 25, 2010

Mantra Meditation: Experience the power of Chanting!

Hello everyone,

Hope you all are having a great week!

Music, meditation, chants, and a delicious dinner - sounds like a lot of smiling faces and a wonderful evening. Make your submissions and midterm filled week a little different and come along to BYC's latest event -

Mantra Meditation: Experience the power of Chanting!

Wednesday, October 27th, 6:30pm

Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre

569 Spadina Avenue.

Unwind this week humming soothing mantras and swaying to meditative tunes. This is the chance to make a difference by embracing change. A chance to tap into your inner strength and unleash the beauty hidden deep within your heart.

This will be an evening of musical chanting and internal meditation accompanied by ancient musical instruments from the east. Grab this unique opportunity to discuss the various aspects of ancient mantra meditation techniques. Embrace this coming week and the conflicts that it presents with a different mood – maybe a happier more exciting one, by which you can bring a change to the world around you.

Not to forget the delicious vegan dinner that awaits you towards the end!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello Everyone.

Hope you all had a fun long weekend!

This week BYC brings you:

Overcoming Depression: The Yogi's Way!
Wednesday, October 20th, 6:30pm

Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.

Traditionally Youth rhymes with energy, drive, enthusiasm, adventure and lots more. Most people look back at college and university as the best days of the life, a time when we have friends, parties and a no-worries lifestyle. But times have changed - Its not cancer or road accidents, its depression that is killing the youth of today. How did the golden years of our life transform into a dark phase some never come out off.

Join us for an evening of discussion and sharing where we can take a real look at the unique challenges facing students today. Is the pressure of increasing tuition or faceless-ness of a face book generation that lies at the heart of the depression wave. Explore and experience how the knowledge of yoga and meditation can transform our youthful experiences.

Don't forget the delicious meal and dessert that awaits you along with the discussion.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yoga For Life!

Hello Everyone.

Hope you all had a fun long weekend!

This week BYC brings you:

Yoga for Life
Wednesday, October 13th, 6:30pm

Main Activity Hall, Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue.

Exams, assignments, classes or library corner – is that what your day is all about. Say no to the norm, revamp your life and let go the stress by joining us for a fun filled Yoga session at the Multifaith centre.

A seasoned yoga instructor of over 15 years experience will guide you through a series of postures designed to release stress from your system. Enjoy the calming effect of synchronized breathing to ancient chants with a progressive series of postures. The 90 minute workout is followed by brief meditation and a delicious snack.

Revamp your life and spirits at Yoga for life.

Join us for a relaxing yoga session followed by delicious vegan dinner on October 13, 6:30 pm.

See you there!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Goals: Dreams to Reality

Flashed by tirade of advertisements and allurements through media and society, our mind conjures up a different goal every day. Are Goals, a fixed post set in stone or a moving target far from our reach.There is a reason why we make the same 'new year resolution' every December and break it every Jan. Einstein did say, only dreamers succeed but he never said just dreaming was enough. Like it or not, a thin line separates goal setting from day dreaming.

What keeps a loser from being a success story ? What keeps you from being Mr or miss popularity ? Yoga knowledge demonstrates tricks on how to Tap your inner potential to help you cross the line from dreams to reality.

Join us for interactive discussion, meditation and dinner this Wednesday @ Activity hall Multi Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue - Make your dreams a reality !